A github repository of simpler versions of code of basic operations of Data Structures in C. I have worked hard to understand these basic operations in different data structures and written these bunch of codes by myself while understanding them. They are much simpler versions of code as compared of what we see on internet and books. To increase the knowledge of Data Structures I have made them available to everyone.
All the basic data structures with all possible operations are covered in the repository. I've also explained the installation of editor along with the necessary packages required to compile & run almost all languages smoothly.
A website to conduct PUBG tournaments. People can register through website and pay the registration fee for the upcoming event. Every player needs to pay a sum through paytm. The clan code and game details are send to the players through email. A room is created for the registered players and everyone needs to join the room before 15 minutes of the game start. A spectator keeps an eye on the game to monitor the players. Reward money is send to the player through paytm on basis of number of kills.
Here's a link to the website: GamersArc.
It's a website about me.The website contains my resume, projects and other interests. It has my Educational background and my most valuable Achievements so far. The website gives an insight to projects that I have done along with my resume and my personal interests. There is also an abstract information about the Startup Community & a Club which I am currently a part of in my university. Users can contact me through the website. There is also an interesting blog about Anime which is linked to the first portfolio page.
The anime blog has it's own logo and different style to represent the beauty of Anime which I have covered. I regularly update the blog once in two months. There is a list of Anime which I have covered with a short description about every single one of them and some good scenes are represented with pictures. I also have given my own rating to each one of them and the number of episodes are written at the last of the description. I will continue to watch new Anime and update them on this blog of mine.😉
An arduino based automated shop which delivers any product to customers without any shopkeeper. The shop uses weight sensors to measure weight of the required product and servo motors are used to open the flip of the container where product is stored. A motor driven kind of vehicle carries the product to customers.
The project was made by a team consisting of a total of 4 members including me. It was made in a hackathon organized by SRM university in an event called 'texus'. It still is an incomplete project.
I made two more very basic web pages before creating my own portfolio. In one of them I included three pictures and a box above them. Whenever someone hovers over any one of the picture, the box shows the detail of the picture. It uses little bit of JavaScript. Also I made a submit form which is incomplete because I don't know back-end.
Checkout more about them here: Github